Hi all, hope your day have been good.
It's been a while but i've been very busy and honestly i'm new to bloging and because of that i'm having some problems but i'll be okay soon.
Well i saw this post on "Motivation" on a fellow blogger's blog....http://momentofstyle.blogspot.com
i liked it so i've decided to share it with you all.....Make use of it and enjoy.
The main point of motivation is the reach a goal, target or an achievement. Ive shared mine below:
1. My body
Its ok, but it could be better, I love my food, regular, fatty, carby and lots of it. My exercise, well thats another story, I try, but I fail with being consistent with it.
2. Work life balance
I don't do rest, I feel like if Im not working on something, I'm being slack or lazy, and it makes me frustrated, but I struggle to make time for things that count. I also end up crashing.
Due to my constant focus on achievement, and worrying what I haven't done, I get can getvery anxious,
Why have I shared this....I believe 'Write the vision down making it plain so that he that reads it may run with it' Habakkuk 2:2
Basically, writing targets down make it tangible and there is more of a chance that something can be done about it.
First steps of motivation is defining what you want to work towards..and actually its just made me smile because I believe EVERYTHING is possible.
So some steps that help me with motivation:
1. Surround myself with motivating inspiration. Things such as people, songs, foods, words and images
2. When Im feeling un-motivated, I come back to the target, re-read and I'm inspired by my own thoughts
3. Find a co-signer. who is in your team? Who will encourage you? It may be friends, family, it may not be, it may be anonymous people on a blog but connect with like minded folk
4. Get excited. The possibilities are there, they are tangible and real. Get that feeling of butterflies when you are standing in front of the door to opportunity that is about to open in a few seconds
5. MOVE. DO IT. STEP. NOW. GO. RUN. Stop thinking about being motivated and start doing it, nothing will happen without your first action
I'll be working on the few thing noted above, they are just an outline, but I will share my progress on the blog
Have a great day!
Lovely post!
Thanks Emma.
We loved your advice, definitely a motivating in itself! As you have said, we always find that surrounding yourself with positive, supportive people is the best way to stay focused and motivated!